祝新年爱情顺利的句子英文(新年祝朋友一年顺利的话)
作者:编辑:匿名
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1.
May
your
heart
be
filled
with
love
and
happiness
this
new
year.
【#LoveAndHappiness】
2.
Wishing
you
all
the
best
on
your
romantic
journey
this
year.
【#RomanticJourney】
3.
May
your
relationship
be
strong
and
resilient
as
you
embark
on
a
new
year
together.
【#StrongAndResilient】
4.
Here's
to
a
year
of
forgiveness
and
understanding
in
your
love
life.
【#ForgivenessAndUnderstanding】
5.
May
your
love
story
be
as
timeless
as
the
stars
in
the
sky.
【#TimelessLoveStory】
6.
Wishing
you
both
the
strength
to
overcome
any
obstacles
that
come
your
way
this
year.
【#OvercomingObstacles】
7.
May
the
new
year
bring
you
closer
together
and
strengthen
your
bond.
【#CloserTogether】
8.
Here's
to
a
year
filled
with
laughter,
joy,
and
more
love
than
you
ever
imagined.
【#LaughterAndJoy】
9.
May
your
love
only
continue
to
grow
and
flourish
this
new
year.
【#GrowingAndFlourishing】
10.
hope
this
year
brings
you
all
the
love
and
happiness
your
heart
can
hold.
【#AllTheLoveAndHappiness】
11.
Here's
to
a
new
year
of
unforgettable
memories
made
with
the
one
you
love.
【#UnforgettableMemories】
12.
May
your
love
be
a
beacon
of
hope
and
light
in
the
midst
of
any
darkness
this
year.
【#BeaconOfHope】
13.
Wishing
you
both
a
year
filled
with
passion,
romance,
and
endless
love.
【#EndlessLove】
14.
May
this
year
usher
in
a
new
season
of
joy,
peace,
and
unity
in
your
relationship.
【#JoyPeaceAndUnity】
15.
Here's
to
a
year
of
making
new
memories
and
cherishing
the
ones
you
already
have.
【#MakingMemories】
16.
May
your
love
story
inspire
others
and
be
a
testament
to
the
power
of
true
love.
【#PowerOfTrueLove】
17.
Wishing
you
both
a
year
of
growth
and
discovery
in
your
relationship.
【#GrowthAndDiscovery】
18.
May
this
new
year
bring
you
closer
than
ever
before
and
strengthen
your
bond
of
love.
【#CloserThanEver】
19.
Here's
to
a
year
of
exploring
new
adventures
and
experiencing
new
heights
of
love.
【#NewAdventures】
20.
May
this
year
be
filled
with
laughter,
joy,
and
sweet
moments
shared
with
your
beloved.
【#SweetMoments】