喝酒伤感语录英文(伤感语录英文短句)
作者:编辑:投稿
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1.
"Alcohol
may
numb
the
pain
temporarily,
but
it
only
prolongs
the
healing
process.
"
【#truths】
2.
"A
bottle
of
whiskey
can't
fill
the
void
in
your
heart.
"
【#emptiness】
3.
"You
can't
drown
your
sorrows
in
a
bottle.
"
【#copingskills】
4.
"Getting
drunk
won't
help
you
forget,
it'll
just
make
you
regret.
"
【#remorse】
5.
"Alcohol
is
a
temporary
escape
from
reality,
but
reality
will
always
come
back.
"
【#temporaryrelief】
6.
"Don't
drink
to
forget,
drink
to
remember
how
strong
you
are.
"
【#strength】
7.
"Drinking
alone
is
like
drowning
in
your
own
emotions.
"
【#loneliness】
8.
"When
you're
drunk,
you
lose
control
of
your
emotions
and
your
actions.
"
【#selfcontrol】
9.
"Alcohol
is
a
thief
that
takes
away
your
happiness
and
replaces
it
with
sadness.
"
【#happiness】
10.
"You
can't
find
happiness
at
the
bottom
of
a
bottle.
"
【#findinghappiness】
11.
"Drinking
doesn't
solve
anything,
it
only
creates
more
problems.
"
【#problematic】
12.
"Alcohol
may
make
you
feel
alive
for
a
moment,
but
it
will
slowly
kill
you
inside.
"
【#slowdeath】
13.
"There's
nothing
romantic
about
drowning
your
sorrows
in
alcohol.
"
【#romanticizing】
14.
"Drinking
won't
heal
your
broken
heart,
it'll
only
make
it
worse.
"
【#heartbreak】
15.
"Alcohol
is
not
a
solution,
it's
a
temporary
band-aid
for
deeper
wounds.
"
【#deeperissues】
16.
"You
may
forget
your
problems
when
you're
drunk,
but
they'll
still
be
there
when
you
sober
up.
"
【#forgettingproblems】
17.
"Drinking
may
make
you
feel
invincible,
but
it
only
makes
you
vulnerable.
"
【#vulnerability】
18.
"You
don't
need
alcohol
to
have
a
good
time,
you
just
need
good
company.
"
【#companionship】
19.
"Alcohol
is
a
depressant
that
only
leads
to
further
sadness.
"
【#depression】
20.
"The
only
thing
you'll
be
left
with
after
drinking
is
a
hangover
and
a
broken
heart.
"
【#hangover】