关于圣诞爱情的句子
作者:编辑:投稿
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1.
“The
most
magical
thing
about
Christmas
is
when
love
finds
its
way
home.
”
【圣诞爱情,让爱回到家】
2.
“May
this
Christmas
season
bring
the
gift
of
pure
love
and
joy
to
your
heart.
”
【圣诞季节,让爱与喜悦满溢心间】
3.
“A
true
Christmas
miracle
is
when
you
find
love
in
unexpected
places.
”
【圣诞奇迹,发现爱在意料之外】
4.
“Love
is
the
greatest
gift
we
can
give
and
receive
during
the
holiday
season.
”
【世间最美圣诞礼物,爱的给予和接受】
5.
“Sometimes
the
best
love
stories
are
written
during
the
Christmas
season.
”
【最美的爱情故事,往往发生在圣诞季节】
6.
“There's
nothing
more
romantic
than
snuggling
up
with
the
one
you
love
on
a
cold
Christmas
night.
”
【冬夜之中,与爱人相拥,别有一番浪漫】
7.
“Love
is
the
reason
behind
every
Christmas
decoration;
it's
what
makes
them
sparkle
and
shine.
”
【一切圣诞装饰的意义,源自爱的闪耀和光彩】
8.
“The
best
Christmas
gifts
are
the
ones
that
are
given
and
received
with
love.
”
【圣诞最棒礼物,是彼此给予的真挚爱意】
9.
“There's
no
better
time
to
fall
in
love
than
during
the
season
of
snow
and
mistletoe.
”
【没有比在雪花和槲寄生下坠入爱河更美妙的时光了】
10.
“The
most
memorable
moments
of
Christmas
are
the
ones
shared
with
the
people
we
love.
”
【圣诞最难忘时刻,是与所爱的人共度的时光】
11.
“Nothing
can
warm
our
hearts
during
the
cold
winter
season
like
the
love
of
family
and
friends.
”
【冬日正寒,唯有家人朋友的爱能温暖我们的心】
12.
“Christmas
is
the
time
when
we
can
shower
the
ones
we
love
with
gifts,
but
the
greatest
gift
we
can
give
is
our
love
and
affection.
”
【圣诞赐予礼物的时刻,然而最美的礼物,是我们真挚的关爱】
13.
“The
true
spirit
of
Christmas
is
embodied
in
giving
love
and
kindness
to
one
another.
”
【圣诞节的真谛,蕴含在我们相互给予的爱与宽容之中】
14.
“In
a
world
that
can
often
feel
cold
and
dark,
Christmas
reminds
us
that
love
can
still
shine
in
the
darkest
of
places.
”
【在这充满寒冷与黑暗的世界,圣诞节告诉我们,在最昏暗的角落,仍有爱的光芒】
15.
“Love
has
a
way
of
finding
us
during
the
most
unexpected
and
magical
times;
Christmas
is
one
of
them.
”
【爱有着如此神奇的力量,总能在意料之外、令人陶醉的时刻发掘出来,圣诞就是其中之一】
16.
“The
warmth
of
a
Christmas
fire
is
only
made
better
when
shared
with
the
one
you
love.
”
【圣诞温暖的炉火,当与挚爱共享时更显温馨】
17.
“The
greatest
Christmas
miracle
of
all
is
when
we
find
love
within
ourselves
and
share
it
with
those
around
us.
”
【圣诞伟大奇迹的体现,是当我们在自己心中寻获爱,与周遭的人分享】
18.
“The
holidays
are
a
time
for
family,
food,
and
love
shared
with
the
people
we
hold
closest
to
our
hearts.
”
【假日时光,是与心爱之人分享家庭、美食和爱的季节】
19.
“When
we
share
our
love
with
others
during
the
Christmas
season,
the
warmth
of
that
love
extends
far
beyond
the
holiday
itself.
”
【圣诞时节与他人分享我们的爱,让爱心的温暖蔓延直至整个季节】
20.
“Let
us
remember
that
the
true
meaning
of
Christmas
is
not
in
the
gifts
we
give
or
receive,
but
in
the
love
we
hold
within
our
hearts.
”
【让我们牢记,圣诞的真正意义,并非于收到或赠予的礼物上,而在于心中所珍惜的爱】