国王的选择唯美句子
作者:编辑:佚名
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1.
Sometimes,
the
choices
we
make
show
us
who
we
really
are【选择揭示自我】
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2.
Love
is
not
a
choice,
but
staying
in
love
is
a
choice
we
make
every
day【爱不是选择,但坚守爱是日复一日的选择】
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3.
The
greatest
power
we
have
is
the
power
to
choose
our
attitude
in
any
given
situation【我们拥有的最大力量是在任何情况下选择我们的态度】
.
4.
Our
choices
determine
our
destiny【我们的选择决定我们的命运】
.
5.
The
hardest
thing
about
making
tough
choices
is
not
knowing
if
we've
made
the
right
one【做出艰难的选择最难之处在于不知道是否做了正确的选择】
.
6.
Courage
doesn't
always
roar.
Sometimes
courage
is
the
quiet
voice
at
the
end
of
the
day
saying,
"I
will
try
again
tomorrow"【勇气并不总是咆哮,有时勇气是在一天结束时安静地说出:“明天我会再试一次”】
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7.
We
often
confuse
what
we
wish
for
with
what
is
best
for
us
in
the
long
run【我们经常将我们所期望的与长远的最佳选择混淆】
.
8.
Every
choice
comes
with
consequences,
both
good
and
bad【每个选择都有好坏的后果】
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9.
Your
life
is
the
result
of
the
choices
you
make.
If
you
don't
like
your
life,
it's
time
to
start
making
better
choices【你的生活是你做出的选择的结果,如果你不喜欢自己的生活,那么是时候开始做出更好的选择了】
.
10.
We
can't
always
control
what
happens
to
us,
but
we
can
control
how
we
respond
to
it【我们并不能总是控制自己所遇到的事情,但我们可以控制自己对待它的方式】
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11.
In
every
single
moment,
we
have
the
power
to
choose
love
over
fear【在每一个时刻,我们都有选择爱而不是恐惧的力量】
.
12.
Our
choices
reveal
our
priorities【我们的选择反映了我们的优先事项】
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13.
Life
is
about
choices.
Some
we
regret,
some
we're
proud
of.
Some
will
haunt
us
forever.
The
message:
we
are
what
we
choose
to
be【生活就是一连串的选择,有些让我们后悔,有些让我们自豪,有些会永远困扰我们,其中所传达的信息是:我们是我们选择成为的那个人】
.
14.
Sometimes
the
hardest
thing
and
the
right
thing
are
the
same【有时最困难的事情和正确的事情是一样的】
.
15.
The
greatest
gift
we
can
give
ourselves
is
the
freedom
to
make
our
own
choices【我们能够给自己的最大礼物就是自由地做出自己的选择】
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16.
Your
life
is
a
reflection
of
the
choices
you
make.
If
you
want
a
different
result,
make
a
different
choice【你的生活是你做出的选择的反映,如果你想要不同的结果,就要做出不同的选择】
.
17.
Who
we
are
and
what
we
stand
for
is
defined
by
the
choices
we
make,
not
by
the
circumstances
we're
given【我们是谁,我们的立场是什么,都是由我们做出的选择所定义的,而不是由我们所处的环境决定的】
.
18.
Trust
the
choice
you
make
today,
for
it
will
shape
the
person
you
become
tomorrow【相信你今天所做的选择,因为它将塑造你明天成为的人】
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19.
The
most
important
decision
you
will
ever
make
is
the
decision
to
be
happy,
regardless
of
your
circumstances【你将会做出的最重要的决定是无论当前的环境如何,都要选择快乐】
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20.
Life
is
a
series
of
choices.
Choose
wisely,
live
well【生命是一连串的选择,明智地选择,好好地生活】
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