看书文案伤感英文语录简短(温柔又伤感的文案英文)
作者:编辑:佚名
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1.
Reading
is
like
taking
a
journey
into
another
world,
where
the
warmth
of
words
replaces
the
chill
of
reality.
【感性阅读的魅力】
2.
Some
books
make
us
laugh,
while
others
bring
us
to
tears.
But
every
book
owns
a
piece
of
our
heart.
【每本书都有魅力】
3.
The
beauty
of
books
is
that
they
allow
us
to
see
ourselves
in
others,
and
to
see
others
in
ourselves.
【书中自有黄金屋】
4.
book
is
a
bridge
that
connects
the
past
with
the
present,
and
the
present
with
the
future.
【好书如一条桥,穿越时间与空间】
5.
Reading
is
not
just
a
hobby,
it's
a
way
of
life.
It
teaches
us
to
think,
to
feel,
and
to
connect.
【读书,踏入不同的生活世界】
6.
The
words
we
read
become
the
thoughts
we
think,
the
feelings
we
feel,
and
the
dreams
we
dream.
【阅读影响人的思想、情感与梦想】
7.
good
book
is
a
refuge
from
the
storms
of
life,
a
place
to
find
peace,
comfort,
and
understanding.
【好书,总是给人安慰与支撑】
8.
Reading
is
a
journey
of
discovery,
where
we
explore
new
worlds,
meet
new
people,
and
discover
new
ideas.
【阅读,发掘世间的美好与意义】
9.
book
is
like
a
mirror,
reflecting
our
own
thoughts
and
emotions
back
to
us,
and
helping
us
to
understand
ourselves
better.
【书是一面镜子,映射出自己内心的模样】
10.
Reading
is
a
magical
experience,
where
words
come
alive
and
create
a
world
all
their
own.
【阅读是一种奇妙的经验,文字活灵活现,独自创造世界】
11.
The
love
of
books
is
a
flame
that
burns
bright
and
never
dies,
igniting
our
passion
for
knowledge
and
fueling
our
desire
to
learn.
【书香熏染,知识滋养,激发兴趣】
12.
book
can
change
our
perspective,
challenge
our
beliefs,
and
inspire
us
to
be
better
than
we
are.
【书籍更改我们的想法,启迪我们超越自我】
13.
Reading
is
like
a
conversation
with
the
author,
where
we
listen,
learn,
and
connect
with
their
thoughts
and
emotions.
【阅读,与作者的心灵对话】
14.
The
greatest
gift
we
can
give
ourselves
is
the
gift
of
reading,
where
we
open
our
minds,
expand
our
horizons,
and
enrich
our
souls.
【最好的礼物,是阅读,不断丰富自己】
15.
good
book
is
like
a
memory,
forever
etched
in
our
minds
and
hearts.
【好书永不忘,深刻印在脑海与心底】
16.
The
beauty
of
books
is
that
they
allow
us
to
escape,
to
dream,
and
to
soar
to
new
heights.
【书籍如翅膀,带我们飞向新领域】
17.
Reading
is
not
about
the
number
of
books
we
finish,
but
about
the
number
of
lives
we
touch.
【阅读的意义不在于看多少书,而在于影响多少生命】
18.
book
is
like
a
friend,
always
there
when
we
need
them,
and
never
judging
us
for
who
we
are.
【好书就如良友,安慰、支持、不评价】
19.
The
power
of
a
book
lies
not
in
its
words,
but
in
the
impact
it
has
on
our
lives.
【书籍之力,在于改变我们的生命】
20.
Reading
is
the
ultimate
act
of
freedom,
where
we
can
travel
anywhere,
be
anything,
and
explore
everything.
【阅读,一门极致自由的艺术】