裴允歌伤感语录(裴允歌霍时渡语录)
作者:编辑:互联网
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1.
It's
a
shame
that
we
often
take
things
for
granted
until
they're
gone.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
2.
Sometimes
we
don't
appreciate
what
we
have
until
it's
no
longer
within
reach.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
3.
Regret
is
often
the
result
of
failing
to
appreciate
something
when
we
had
it.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
4.
Often,
it
takes
losing
something
to
fully
realize
how
much
it
meant
to
us.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
5.
When
something
is
always
there
for
us,
it's
easy
to
forget
to
appreciate
it.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
6.
We
learn
to
take
for
granted
the
things
we
see
every
day,
and
only
realize
their
true
value
when
they're
gone.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
7.
The
loss
of
something
we
love
can
be
a
painful
reminder
of
how
much
it
meant
to
us.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
8.
Often,
it's
the
little
things
that
we
overlook
that
end
up
being
the
most
important.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
9.
We
should
never
wait
until
it's
too
late
to
show
appreciation
for
the
things
we
have.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
10.
It's
easy
to
forget
that
everything
we
have
is
a
gift,
until
it's
taken
away.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
11.
Sometimes
we
need
a
wake-up
call
to
remind
ourselves
to
be
thankful
for
what
we
have.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
12.
The
things
we
value
most
should
always
be
cherished
and
protected.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
13.
When
we
lose
something
we
love,
we
should
use
that
experience
to
appreciate
the
things
we
still
have.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
14.
It's
important
to
always
remember
the
blessings
we
have,
because
they
can
be
easily
taken
away.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
15.
When
we
become
too
comfortable
with
the
things
we
have,
we
forget
how
much
we
depend
on
them.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
16.
We
should
never
let
our
focus
on
the
future
cause
us
to
forget
how
much
we
have
in
our
present.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
17.
The
things
we
love
are
fragile,
and
we
need
to
always
be
mindful
of
that
fact.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
18.
Our
time
with
the
people
we
love
is
precious,
and
we
should
never
waste
a
moment
of
it.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
19.
We
should
never
underestimate
the
value
of
the
people
and
things
we
cherish
most.
【失去才懂得珍惜】
20.
Let's
pledge
to
never
take
any
of
the
wonderful
blessings
we
have
for
granted.
【失去才懂得珍惜】