重点英文句子文案温柔(暗恋的文案句子英文)
作者:编辑:投稿
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1.
gentle
touch
can
calm
a
raging
storm
in
someone's
soul.
】
2.
Speak
gently,
for
a
harsh
word
can
bruise
someone's
heart.
】
3.
Our
world
needs
more
kindness
and
gentleness,
starting
with
ourselves.
】
4.
gentle
smile
can
go
a
long
way
in
brightening
someone's
day.
】
5.
True
strength
lies
in
the
gentleness
of
one's
character.
】
6.
gentle
reminder
that
we
are
all
in
this
together
can
unite
us
as
a
community.
】
7.
gentle
nudge
towards
the
right
direction
can
make
all
the
difference
in
someone's
life.
】
8.
The
beauty
of
a
gentle
heart
lies
in
its
ability
to
forgive
and
love
unconditionally.
】
9.
gentle
hug
can
convey
more
love
than
a
thousand
words.
】
10.
Let
us
approach
each
other
with
gentleness
and
understanding,
for
that
is
where
true
connection
lies.
】
11.
Cultivate
a
spirit
of
gentleness
towards
yourself,
for
only
then
can
you
truly
love
and
care
for
others.
】
12.
Even
in
moments
of
conflict,
a
gentle
approach
can
bring
about
a
peaceful
resolution.
】
13.
gentle
rain
can
nourish
the
earth
just
as
a
gentle
word
can
nourish
the
soul.
】
14.
The
power
of
gentleness
lies
in
its
ability
to
disarm
even
the
toughest
of
hearts.
】
15.
Let
us
embrace
the
qualities
of
gentleness
and
compassion,
for
that
is
what
makes
us
fully
human.
】
16.
gentle
touch
on
the
shoulder
can
show
someone
that
they
are
not
alone.
】
17.
The
world
may
be
harsh,
but
we
can
choose
to
approach
it
with
a
gentle
heart.
】
18.
gentle
word
of
encouragement
can
inspire
someone
to
reach
for
the
stars.
】
19.
May
we
all
strive
to
live
a
life
of
gentleness,
for
it
is
in
that
spirit
that
we
find
peace
and
purpose.
】
20.
The
most
beautiful
things
in
life
are
often
the
most
gentle
-
a
flower,
a
sunset,
a
kind
word.
May
we
never
forget
the
power
of
gentleness.
】