放下爱情句子短句唯美英文(古代爱情句子唯美短句)
作者:编辑:互联网
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1.
Love
is
not
about
possessing,
it's
about
setting
free.
】
2.
Sometimes,
the
best
way
to
love
someone
is
to
let
them
go.
】
3.
In
the
letting
go,
we
find
the
strength
to
heal
and
move
forward.
】
4.
True
love
means
wanting
what's
best
for
the
other
person,
even
if
it's
not
you.
】
5.
Letting
go
doesn't
mean
giving
up,
it
means
accepting
reality
and
choosing
to
love
ourselves.
】
6.
Love
is
not
a
cage,
it's
a
wingspan
to
set
the
other
person
free.
】
7.
The
most
beautiful
love
stories
are
the
ones
where
love
transforms
into
a
friendship.
】
8.
When
we
choose
to
let
go
of
love,
we
open
ourselves
up
to
new
possibilities
and
new
beginnings.
】
9.
Sometimes,
holding
on
to
love
can
be
more
painful
than
letting
it
go.
】
10.
Letting
go
of
love
doesn't
mean
forgetting,
it
means
releasing
the
hold
it
has
on
us.
】
11.
The
beauty
of
love
is
that
it
can
never
truly
be
lost,
for
it
lives
on
in
the
memories
and
lessons
it
has
given
us.
】
12.
Holding
on
to
the
wrong
love
denies
the
right
love
from
entering
our
lives.
】
13.
Sometimes,
we
have
to
let
go
of
the
person
we
love
to
find
ourselves.
】
14.
Love
is
like
a
river,
constantly
flowing
and
changing.
It's
by
letting
go
that
we
allow
it
to
move
freely.
】
15.
Love
can
only
thrive
when
both
hearts
are
free
to
choose
each
other.
】
16.
The
heart
that
truly
loves
is
the
one
that
knows
when
to
let
go.
】
17.
Letting
go
of
love
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness;
it's
a
sign
of
strength
and
self-preservation.
】
18.
Love
should
not
be
a
burden,
but
a
source
of
joy
and
happiness.
Letting
go
ensures
that
it
remains
so.
】
19.
It's
in
the
act
of
letting
go
that
we
find
true
freedom
and
peace
within
ourselves.
】
20.
Love
is
a
journey,
and
sometimes,
we
have
to
release
the
past
to
make
space
for
new
experiences.
】