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1.
The
ocean
is
a
wonderland
of
enchanting
splendor
that
deserves
our
utmost
protection.
【保护大海,靠大家。
】
2.
We
must
safeguard
the
marine
ecosystem
with
every
fiber
of
our
being,
for
the
ocean
is
the
lifeblood
of
our
planet.
【大海之美,为我们生命助力。
】
3.
The
majestic
waves
of
the
ocean
are
a
symbol
of
tranquility
and
serenity,
and
we
must
do
everything
in
our
power
to
keep
it
that
way.
【让大海的浪花永不止息。
】
4.
If
we
don't
take
action
to
protect
our
oceans,
soon
there
won't
be
anywhere
left
for
the
creatures
who
call
it
their
home.
【为海洋动物“家园保卫战掀起热潮。
】
5.
Every
drop
of
water
in
the
ocean
is
a
precious
gift
from
the
universe,
and
we
must
cherish
it
with
all
our
hearts.
【大海是宝藏,为之保护系内功。
】
6.
The
ocean
has
always
been
a
source
of
inspiration
and
awe
for
humanity,
and
we
must
show
it
the
respect
and
care
it
deserves.
【保护海洋,不失为人类伟大责任。
】
7.
From
the
tiniest
plankton
to
the
largest
whale,
every
creature
that
inhabits
the
ocean
is
a
marvel
of
nature,
and
we
must
fight
to
preserve
this
marvel
for
future
generations.
【为了子孙后代,守护海洋奇观。
】
8.
The
ocean
is
a
symphony
of
colors,
sounds,
and
smells
that
can
take
our
breath
away,
and
we
must
stand
up
to
those
who
want
to
diminish
its
beauty.
【保护大海,众志成城方能成就。
】
9.
The
ocean
is
a
colossal
force
that
has
shaped
our
planet
for
millions
of
years,
and
we
must
learn
to
live
in
harmony
with
it.
【与大海为伴,永恒美好涟漪不断。
】
10.
The
ocean
is
a
sanctuary
for
millions
of
species,
and
we
must
take
responsibility
for
its
preservation
and
protection.
【保护海洋,肩负生态责任。
】
11.
The
ocean
is
a
source
of
sustenance
for
countless
communities
around
the
world,
and
we
must
ensure
that
it
remains
healthy
and
vibrant
for
generations
to
come.
【有激情地保护海洋,将成为我们最好的遗产。
】
12.
The
ocean
is
a
reflection
of
our
collective
consciousness,
and
we
must
make
sure
that
this
reflection
is
one
of
compassion,
respect,
and
awe.
【我们的心灵与大海交流,没有保护大海,怎能和世界和谐共鸣。
】
13.
The
ocean
is
a
symbol
of
our
interconnectedness
as
a
species,
and
we
must
recognize
that
what
harms
the
ocean
ultimately
harms
us
as
well.
【保护海洋,维护人类未来。
】
14.
The
ocean
is
a
treasure
trove
of
mysteries
waiting
to
be
explored,
and
we
must
protect
its
delicate
ecosystems
so
that
future
generations
can
uncover
these
mysteries.
【守护生态平衡,探寻未知奇迹。
】
15.
The
ocean
is
a
universal
symbol
of
peace
and
harmony,
and
we
must
do
everything
in
our
power
to
ensure
that
it
remains
a
place
of
tranquility
and
beauty.
【保护大海,颂扬后世和平与和谐。
】
16.
The
ocean
is
an
endless
source
of
wonder,
and
we
must
take
care
to
ensure
that
it
remains
a
wonder
for
generations
to
come.
【享受大海美景,为之守护终身。
】
17.
The
ocean
is
home
to
some
of
the
most
majestic
creatures
on
earth,
and
we
must
do
everything
in
our
power
to
protect
them
from
harm.
【保护海洋动物,让所有生命安然自在。
】
18.
The
ocean
is
not
just
a
body
of
water,
but
a
living,
breathing
organism
that
deserves
our
respect
and
reverence.
【尊重大海,为和谐生态伸张正义。
】
19.
The
ocean
is
not
something
that
belongs
to
us,
but
something
that
we
belong
to,
and
we
must
learn
to
coexist
with
it
in
a
way
that
honors
its
intrinsic
value.
【爱护大海,将成为沐浴芸芸众生的最高形式。
】
20.
The
ocean
is
the
beating
heart
of
our
planet,
and
we
must
take
care
to
ensure
that
it
remains
healthy
and
strong
for
generations
to
come.
【保护大海,承载健康美好生命能量。
】