.jpg)
1.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
flower
without
fragrance,
beautiful
but
lacking
in
vitality.
"
【Love
without
Passion】
2.
"A
relationship
without
passion
is
like
a
bird
without
wings,
it
might
survive
but
it
won't
soar.
"
【Relationship
without
Passion】
3.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
book
without
words,
there's
nothing
to
read
between
the
lines.
"
【A
Book
without
Words】
4.
"Passion
is
the
spark
that
ignites
love,
without
it,
love
remains
a
flameless
fire.
"
【Flameless
Fire】
5.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
song
without
melody,
it
lacks
the
rhythm
that
makes
it
memorable.
"
【Song
without
Melody】
6.
"Passion
is
the
glue
that
holds
a
relationship
together,
without
it,
love
falls
apart.
"
【Glue
that
Holds】
7.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
rainbow
without
colors,
it
loses
its
vibrancy
and
beauty.
"
【Rainbow
without
Colors】
8.
"Passion
is
the
breath
of
life
in
a
relationship,
without
it,
love
suffocates
and
dies.
"
【Breath
of
Life】
9.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
garden
without
sunlight,
it
withers
away
and
dies.
"
【Garden
without
Sunlight】
10.
"Passion
is
the
spice
that
adds
flavor
to
love,
without
it,
love
becomes
bland
and
tasteless.
"
【Bland
and
Tasteless】
11.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
day
without
sunshine,
it
lacks
warmth
and
brightness.
"
【Day
without
Sunshine】
12.
"Passion
is
the
fuel
that
drives
a
relationship,
without
it,
love
runs
out
of
gas.
"
【Fuel
that
Drives】
13.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
river
without
water,
it
ceases
to
flow.
"
【River
without
Water】
14.
"Passion
is
the
heartbeat
of
a
relationship,
without
it,
love
goes
into
cardiac
arrest.
"
【Heartbeat
of
a
Relationship】
15.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
canvas
without
paint,
it
lacks
the
colors
that
make
it
beautiful.
"
【Canvas
without
Paint】
16.
"Passion
is
the
arrow
that
pierces
the
heart
of
love,
without
it,
love
is
as
dull
as
a
blunt
knife.
"
【Arrow
that
Pierces】
17.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
sky
without
stars,
it
lacks
the
sparkle
that
makes
it
magical.
"
【Sky
without
Stars】
18.
"Passion
is
the
fire
that
keeps
love
burning,
without
it,
love
is
like
a
campfire
without
wood.
"
【Fire
that
Keeps
Love
Burning】
19.
"Love
without
passion
is
like
a
tree
without
roots,
it
lacks
the
foundation
that
keeps
it
standing.
"
【Tree
without
Roots】
20.
"Passion
is
the
soul
of
a
relationship,
without
it,
love
becomes
a
lifeless
puppet.
"
【Soul
of
a
Relationship】