.jpg)
1.
Just
being
with
you
makes
my
heart
skip
a
beat.
【感受到的爱】
2.
Joy
fills
my
heart
every
time
see
your
smile.
【快乐溢于言表】
3.
Jumping
into
love
with
you
was
the
best
leap
I've
ever
taken.
【冒险之旅】
4.
Just
when
thought
couldn't
love
you
anymore,
you
proved
me
wrong.
【爱情无限】
5.
Judging
by
my
heart's
reaction,
know
I'm
in
love
with
you.
【内心的震动】
6.
Just
being
around
you
makes
life
seem
so
much
sweeter.
【幸福之旅】
7.
Journeys
are
always
more
exciting
when
you're
by
my
side.
【同舟共济】
8.
Juggling
challenges
becomes
easier
with
you
holding
my
hand.
【共同面对困难】
9.
Joining
your
heart
with
mine
was
the
best
decision
ever
made.
【心心相连】
10.
Just
thinking
about
you
makes
me
feel
warm
and
fuzzy
inside.
【暖心感受】
11.
Just
knowing
you're
mine
fills
my
heart
with
so
much
joy.
【属于你的我】
12.
Joining
our
lives
together
only
makes
us
stronger
as
a
team.
【共同进退】
13.
Junctures
in
our
love
story
only
make
us
appreciate
each
other
more.
【越爱越珍惜】
14.
Journeying
through
life
would
be
so
lonely
without
you.
【生命中的伴侣】
15.
Just
holding
your
hand
makes
everything
right
in
the
world.
【爱的永恒】
16.
Jumping
hurdles
in
love
is
worth
it
when
we're
together.
【征服一切】
17.
Joyful
moments
with
you
stay
etched
in
my
heart
forever.
【永不忘却】
18.
Just
the
thought
of
losing
you
is
enough
to
break
my
heart.
【守护挚爱】
19.
Joining
our
hearts
and
souls
creates
an
unbreakable
bond.
【云连心】
20.
Journeying
into
the
unknown
is
always
easier
with
you
by
my
side.
【共同开启美好未来】