.jpg)
1.
"In
a
world
full
of
sickness
and
pain,
there
is
beauty
in
the
healing
power
of
a
caring
physician.
"
【人道医者,能忘己为人】
2.
"The
true
satisfaction
of
a
doctor
comes
not
from
the
applause,
but
from
the
smiles
of
grateful
patients.
"
【信仰所在,情感相通】
3.
"To
be
a
doctor
is
to
learn
the
art
of
empathy,
the
science
of
medicine,
and
the
courage
to
face
life
and
death.
"
【治愈的,不仅有医药的力量,更有心灵的护佑】
4.
"A
physician
is
not
only
a
healer
of
the
body,
but
also
a
comforter
of
the
soul.
"
【百年医家传家,万世品牌代代传递】
5.
"The
greatest
gift
a
doctor
can
give
is
not
a
prescription,
but
the
gift
of
hope
and
faith
in
life.
"
【言传身教,医术之上更要耐心和温暖】
6.
"Doctors
are
like
artists,
they
study
the
canvas
of
life
and
create
a
masterpiece
of
health
and
happiness.
"
【博学精通,医路漫漫】
7.
"The
best
doctors
don't
just
cure
illness,
they
inspire
their
patients
to
live
life
to
the
fullest.
"
【以医道之能治疾养人,以仁心之恒温润万物】
8.
"Compassion,
dedication,
and
perseverance
are
the
hallmarks
of
a
great
doctor.
"
【崇尚医德,繁荣百姓】
9.
"The
most
important
thing
a
doctor
can
do
is
to
listen
carefully,
understand
deeply,
and
then
heal
with
kindness.
"
【以患者为本,以人为本,以情为本】
10.
"Being
a
doctor
is
not
a
job,
it's
a
calling
that
demands
excellence,
integrity,
and
compassion.
"
【静待花开,以医术为墨,以人生为纸】
11.
"A
good
doctor
treats
the
disease,
but
a
great
doctor
treats
the
person
behind
the
disease.
"
【虚怀若谷,存粹致远】
12.
"The
art
of
healing
is
not
just
about
fixing
symptoms,
it's
about
nurturing
the
mind,
body,
and
spirit.
"
【医者父母心,无私奉献】
13.
"In
the
face
of
illness,
a
good
doctor
brings
not
only
expertise,
but
also
empathy,
humility,
and
warmth.
"
【播种医疗,收获人性】
14.
"The
best
doctors
are
not
those
who
know
everything,
but
those
who
are
always
learning
and
growing.
"
【四海观医,万象更新】
15.
"A
true
doctor
is
not
only
a
healer
of
the
sick,
but
also
an
advocate
for
the
vulnerable
and
voiceless.
"
【恪尽本分,不负医者使命】
16.
"The
art
of
medicine
is
not
just
about
fixing
problems,
it's
about
restoring
balance,
harmony,
and
peace.
"
【烛照天下,伸手救援】
17.
"The
true
measure
of
a
doctor's
success
is
not
just
in
the
number
of
patients
healed,
but
in
the
lives
touched
and
transformed.
"
【天道酬勤,人间有爱】
18.
"A
doctor
who
cares
for
the
whole
person,
not
just
the
disease,
is
a
beacon
of
light
in
a
dark
world.
"
【行天下之大医,疗世道之艰躯】
19.
"The
art
of
healing
is
not
just
about
imparting
medication,
it's
about
imparting
love,
comfort,
and
hope.
"
【人类安危系天机,一生只求虔敬】
20.
"A
true
doctor
sees
beyond
the
illness,
to
the
person
behind
it,
and
helps
them
blossom
into
their
full
potential.
"
【医者大爱,盈盈琼楼】