.jpg)
1.
"Our
paths
may
cross
again
in
the
future,
and
when
they
do,
hope
we'll
both
recognize
the
spark
that
once
lit
up
our
souls.
"
【相遇再次,灵魂互相点燃的那一刻,我希望我们能够看到彼此的闪光。
】
2.
"Sometimes,
a
chance
encounter
can
change
the
course
of
our
lives
forever.
"
【有时候,一次偶遇可以永远改变我们的人生轨迹。
】
3.
"I
don't
know
when
or
where
we'll
meet
again,
but
do
know
that
you'll
always
hold
a
special
place
in
my
heart.
"
【我不知道我们什么时候在哪里再次相遇,但我知道你会永远在我心中有着特别的位置。
】
4.
"Our
paths
may
have
diverged,
but
still
believe
that
one
day
they'll
converge
once
more.
"
【我们的路可能已经分开,但我仍然相信有一天它们会再次汇聚在一起。
】
5.
"Even
though
we
said
goodbye,
know
deep
down
that
it's
not
really
the
end.
It's
just
the
beginning
of
a
new
chapter
in
our
lives.
"
【即使我们说了再见,我深知这并不是真正的结束。
它只是我们人生中新篇章的开始。
】
6.
"The
universe
has
a
way
of
bringing
back
the
people
we're
meant
to
be
with.
So
don't
lose
hope,
because
our
paths
may
cross
again.
"
【宇宙总有将我们注定相遇的人们带回的方式。
所以不要失去希望,因为我们的路也许还会再次相遇。
】
7.
"We
can't
control
when
or
where
we
meet
someone,
but
we
can
choose
how
much
we
let
them
affect
us.
"
【我们不能控制我们何时何地遇见一个人,但我们可以选择让他们对我们的影响量。
】
8.
"Our
lives
are
like
threads
that
sometimes
get
tangled
up
with
others.
But
eventually,
we'll
unravel
the
knots
and
find
our
way
back
to
where
we
belong.
"
【我们的生命就像纱线,有时会和别人的纱线交织在一起。
但最终,我们会解开纷乱的结,找到自己应该呆的地方。
】
9.
"Sometimes,
the
people
we
meet
briefly
leave
an
immeasurable
impact
on
our
lives.
"
【有时候,我们短暂遇见的人会在我们的生命中留下不可估量的影响。
】
10.
"Although
our
paths
have
forked,
the
memories
we
made
together
will
always
bind
us.
"
【虽然我们的路已经分岔,但我们一起创造的回忆将永远连接我们。
】
11.
"In
the
vastness
of
the
world,
it's
amazing
how
we
managed
to
find
each
other.
And
it's
even
more
amazing
to
think
that
we
may
do
it
again.
"
【在这广阔的世界中,我们相遇是多么奇妙。
更加奇妙的是,我们或许还会再次相遇。
】
12.
"Sometimes,
we
have
to
let
go
of
the
people
we
love.
But
that
doesn't
mean
they'll
never
come
back
into
our
lives.
"
【有时候,我们必须放手爱的人。
但这并不意味着他们将永远离开我们的生命。
】
13.
"Meeting
you
was
like
finding
a
piece
of
my
heart
that
never
knew
was
missing.
"
【遇见你就像是找到一块我从未知道失落的心。
】
14.
"No
matter
where
we
are
in
the
world,
we'll
always
be
connected
by
the
memory
of
our
meeting.
"
【无论我们在世界何处,我们始终会被我们相遇的记忆所连接。
】
15.
"Just
because
we're
apart
doesn't
mean
we've
stopped
growing.
Our
next
meeting
will
show
us
how
much
we've
changed.
"
【仅仅因为我们分开并不意味着我们已经停止了成长。
我们下次相遇会展示出我们已经变得多么不同。
】
16.
"Sometimes,
the
people
we
cross
paths
with
are
just
passing
through.
But
that
doesn't
mean
their
impact
on
us
is
any
less
significant.
"
【有时候,我们路过的人只是匆匆而过。
但这并不意味着他们对我们的影响是任何微不足道的。
】
17.
"Our
meeting
was
like
a
brief
moment
of
magic
in
an
otherwise
mundane
day.
"
【我们的相遇就像在平凡日子中小小的一瞬间魔法般的闪耀。
】
18.
"Sometimes,
we
have
to
cross
paths
with
people
who
hurt
us
in
order
to
grow
stronger.
"
【有时候,我们必须和伤害我们的人相遇,才能更加坚强。
】
19.
"Our
paths
may
have
diverged,
but
the
impression
you
left
on
me
will
stay
with
me
forever.
"
【我们的路可能已经分开,但你对我留下的印象将永远陪伴我。
】
20.
"Meeting
you
was
a
reminder
that
sometimes,
the
best
things
in
life
happen
when
we
least
expect
them
to.
"
【遇见你让我想起有时候最美好的事情是发生在我们最不期待的时刻。
】