文案温柔无关友情句子短句(温柔唯美的文案无关爱情)
作者:编辑:佚名
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1.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
knows
all
about
you
and
still
loves
you
anyway.
"】
2.
"The
best
mirror
is
an
old
friend.
"】
3.
"A
good
friend
is
like
a
four-leaf
clover:
hard
to
find
and
lucky
to
have.
"】
4.
"Friendship
isn't
about
who
you've
known
the
longest,
it's
about
who
walked
into
your
life,
said
'I'm
here
for
you,'
and
proved
it.
"】
5.
"Friends
are
the
people
who
make
you
smile
brighter,
laugh
louder,
and
live
better.
"】
6.
"A
friend
is
someone
who
understands
your
past,
believes
in
your
future,
and
accepts
you
just
the
way
you
are.
"】
7.
"Good
friends
are
like
stars.
You
don't
always
see
them,
but
you
know
they're
always
there.
"】
8.
"Friends
are
the
family
we
choose
for
ourselves.
"】
9.
"Friendship
is
not
about
having
someone
who
is
always
there
for
you.
It's
about
being
there
for
someone
even
when
you
don't
feel
like
it.
"】
10.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
sees
the
pain
in
your
eyes
while
everyone
else
believes
the
smile
on
your
face.
"】
11.
"Friends
are
the
ones
who
pick
us
up
when
we
fall
down
and
never
hesitate
to
dust
us
off
and
get
us
back
on
our
feet.
"】
12.
"A
good
friend
is
like
a
warm
hug
after
a
hard
day.
"】
13.
"Friends
are
the
reason
why
we
smile
even
when
we
don't
want
to.
"】
14.
"True
friends
don't
judge
each
other,
they
judge
other
people.
.
.
together.
"】
15.
"A
real
friend
is
someone
you
can
go
weeks
without
talking
to
and
still
pick
up
right
where
you
left
off.
"】
16.
"Friends
are
the
ones
who
tell
you
the
truth
even
when
they
know
you
don't
want
to
hear
it.
"】
17.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
can
make
you
laugh
when
you
feel
like
crying,
and
cry
when
you
feel
like
laughing.
"】
18.
"A
good
friend
is
someone
who
knows
all
your
stories.
best
friend
helped
you
write
them.
"】
19.
"Friends
are
the
ones
who
know
all
the
secrets
you
don't
mind
sharing,
but
wouldn't
want
anyone
else
to
know.
"】
20.
"True
friendship
is
never
about
being
inseparable.
It's
being
separated
and
nothing
changes.
"】