.jpg)
1.
“There
is
no
remedy
for
love
but
to
love
more.
”
–
Henry
David
Thoreau
【治愈】
2.
“When
words
are
pointless,
tears
speak
volumes.
”
–
Unknown
【伤感】
3.
“Out
of
suffering
have
emerged
the
strongest
souls;
the
most
massive
characters
are
seared
with
scars.
”
–
Khalil
Gibran
【治愈】
4.
“The
strongest
people
are
not
those
who
show
strength
in
front
of
us
but
those
who
win
battles
we
know
nothing
about.
”
–
Unknown
【落魄】
5.
"The
biggest
challenge
in
life
is
to
be
yourself.
.
.
in
a
world
trying
to
make
you
like
everyone
else.
"
-
Unknown
【治愈】
6.
"Tears
are
words
that
need
to
be
written.
"
-
Paulo
Coelho
【伤感】
7.
"We
can't
help
everyone,
but
everyone
can
help
someone.
"
-
Ronald
Reagan
【落魄】
8.
"I’m
not
telling
you
it’s
going
to
be
easy
-
I’m
telling
you
it’s
going
to
be
worth
it.
"
–
Art
Williams
【治愈】
9.
"The
pain
you
feel
today
is
the
strength
you
feel
tomorrow.
For
every
challenge
encountered,
there
is
the
opportunity
for
growth.
"
–
Unknown
【伤感】
10.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
"
-
Steve
Jobs
【落魄】
11.
"Don’t
let
yesterday
take
up
too
much
of
today.
"
-
Will
Rogers
【治愈】
12.
"Life
isn't
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
it's
about
learning
to
dance
in
the
rain.
"
-
Unknown
【伤感】
13.
"Fall
seven
times,
stand
up
eight.
"
-
Japanese
proverb
【落魄】
14.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
-
Nelson
Mandela
【治愈】
15.
"Life
is
like
a
camera,
focus
on
the
good
times,
develop
from
the
negatives,
and
if
things
don't
work
out,
take
another
shot.
"
-
Unknown
【伤感】
16.
"Difficult
times
often
lead
to
the
greatest
moments
of
life.
"
-
Unknown
【落魄】
17.
"Don't
let
the
past
steal
your
present.
"
-
Terri
Guillemets
【治愈】
18.
"The
most
beautiful
people
we
have
known
are
those
who
have
known
defeat,
known
suffering,
known
struggle,
known
loss,
and
have
found
their
way
out
of
the
depths.
"
–
Elisabeth
Kübler-Ross
【伤感】
19.
"The
only
way
to
make
sense
out
of
change
is
to
plunge
into
it,
move
with
it,
and
join
the
dance.
"
-
Alan
Watts
【落魄】
20.
"The
past
cannot
be
changed.
The
future
is
yet
in
your
power.
"
-
Unknown
【治愈】