英文语录温柔文案高级句子(温柔语录文案短句)
作者:编辑:匿名
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1.
The
gentle
touch
of
your
hand
is
like
a
warm
embrace
that
soothes
my
entire
being.
【gentle
touch】
2.
True
strength
lies
not
in
forcefulness
but
in
the
gentle
and
compassionate
way
we
treat
others.
【true
strength】
3.
Kindness
and
gentleness
not
only
make
the
world
a
better
place,
but
they
also
bring
peace
and
harmony
to
our
lives.
【kindness
and
gentleness】
4.
In
a
harsh
and
cruel
world,
the
power
of
gentleness
can
be
a
beacon
of
hope
and
light
that
shines
through
the
darkness.
【power
of
gentleness】
5.
The
softness
of
your
voice
and
the
warmth
of
your
smile
make
my
heart
skip
a
beat,
and
my
soul
sing
with
joy.
【softness
and
warmth】
6.
Patience
and
gentleness
are
two
vital
virtues
that
can
help
us
navigate
through
the
most
challenging
times
in
our
lives.
【patience
and
gentleness】
7.
When
we
speak
with
kindness
and
compassion,
we
not
only
uplift
ourselves,
but
we
also
elevate
those
around
us
to
greatness.
【kindness
and
compassion】
8.
Love
is
the
gentle
breeze
that
caresses
our
hearts
and
fills
our
lives
with
faith,
hope,
and
happiness.
【love
and
gentleness】
9.
The
beauty
of
gentleness
lies
not
in
its
weakness,
but
in
its
ability
to
soften
even
the
hardest
of
hearts
and
break
down
the
strongest
walls
of
resistance.
【beauty
of
gentleness】
10.
Forgiveness
is
the
ultimate
act
of
kindness
and
gentleness
that
sets
us
free
from
the
burden
of
bitterness
and
resentment.
【forgiveness
and
gentleness】
11.
In
a
world
that
often
values
toughness
over
tenderness,
the
power
of
a
gentle
spirit
cannot
be
underestimated.
【gentle
spirit】
12.
The
gentle
touch
of
a
child's
hand
or
the
warm
embrace
of
a
loved
one
can
heal
even
the
deepest
wounds
of
the
heart.
【gentle
touch
and
warm
embrace】
13.
To
be
gentle
is
to
be
strong,
to
be
kind
is
to
be
courageous,
and
to
be
compassionate
is
to
be
truly
wise.
【gentle,
kind,
and
compassionate】
14.
gentle
soul
is
one
that
radiates
love,
joy,
and
peace
wherever
it
goes,
leaving
a
trail
of
light
in
its
wake.
【gentle
soul】
15.
The
greatest
gift
we
can
give
to
someone
is
our
undivided
attention,
our
heartfelt
compassion,
and
our
gentle
presence.
【greatest
gift】
16.
The
world
needs
more
kindness,
gentleness,
and
empathy,
and
less
hatred,
violence,
and
division.
Let
us
be
the
change
we
wish
to
see
in
the
world.
【be
the
change】
17.
When
we
live
with
an
open
heart
and
a
gentle
spirit,
we
attract
positivity,
abundance,
and
blessings
into
our
lives.
【open
heart
and
gentle
spirit】
18.
The
gentle
beauty
of
nature
can
heal
our
souls,
uplift
our
spirits,
and
inspire
us
to
become
better
human
beings.
【beauty
of
nature】
19.
To
be
gentle
is
not
only
a
hallmark
of
good
manners
and
etiquette,
but
also
a
reflection
of
one's
inner
strength
and
integrity.
【inner
strength
and
integrity】
20.
In
a
world
that
is
often
harsh
and
critical,
let
us
choose
to
be
gentle,
accepting,
and
loving
towards
ourselves
and
others.
【choose
to
be
gentle】