旅程中的唯美句子(旅程过半的唯美句子)
作者:编辑:互联网
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1.
"The
world
is
a
book,
and
those
who
do
not
travel
read
only
a
page.
"
-
Saint
Augustine
【思考】
2.
"We
travel
not
to
escape
life,
but
for
life
not
to
escape
us.
"
-
Anonymous
【旅行的意义】
3.
"I
haven't
been
everywhere,
but
it's
on
my
list.
"
-
Susan
Sontag
【旅游清单】
4.
"Travel
is
the
only
thing
you
buy
that
makes
you
richer.
"
-
Anonymous
【价值】
5.
"The
journey
not
the
arrival
matters.
"
-
T.
S.
Eliot
【旅途的过程】
6.
"Travel
far
enough,
you
meet
yourself.
"
-
David
Mitchell
【自我发现】
7.
"We
live
in
a
wonderful
world
that
is
full
of
beauty,
charm,
and
adventure.
There
is
no
end
to
the
adventures
we
can
have
if
only
we
seek
them
with
our
eyes
open.
"
-
Jawaharial
Nehru
【探索之美】
8.
"I
would
rather
own
little
and
see
the
world
than
own
the
world
and
see
little
of
it.
"
-
Alexander
Sattler
【旅行和财富的选择】
9.
"To
travel
is
to
live.
"
-
Hans
Christian
Andersen
【旅行和生命的意义】
10.
"A
good
traveler
has
no
fixed
plans
and
is
not
intent
on
arriving.
"
-
Lao
Tzu
【探险与自由】
11.
"Adventure
is
worthwhile
in
itself.
"
-
Amelia
Earhart
【冒险与挑战】
12.
"Take
only
memories,
leave
only
footprints.
"
-
Chief
Seattle
【保护环境】
13.
"Travel
makes
a
wise
man
better,
and
a
fool
worse.
"
-
Thomas
Fuller
【旅行和人性的教育】
14.
"I
travel
not
to
escape
life,
but
so
life
doesn't
escape
me.
"
-
Anonymous
【寻找生命的规律】
15.
"The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
"
-
Abraham
Lincoln
【旅行和未来的探索】
16.
"Every
journey
is
a
quest
to
find
what
is
true
within
ourselves.
"
-
Anonymous
【寻找自我而旅行】
17.
"The
real
voyage
of
discovery
consists
not
in
seeking
new
landscapes,
but
in
having
new
eyes.
"
-
Marcel
Proust
【改变视角,重构世界】
18.
"Don't
listen
to
what
they
say.
Go
see
it
for
yourself.
"
-
Anonymous
【别人的话语和我们自己的发现】
19.
"Travel
is
fatal
to
prejudice,
bigotry,
and
narrow-mindedness.
"
-
Mark
Twain
【旅行和开阔思想的重要性】
20.
"I
never
travel
without
my
diary.
One
should
always
have
something
sensational
to
read
in
the
train.
"
-
Oscar
Wilde
【旅行和写作】