下雪天诗情画意的句子唯美(下雪诗情画意的句子)
作者:编辑:投稿
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1.
"Crystalized
moments,
frozen
in
time.
"
【美丽的冰雪世界】
2.
"Soft
flakes
dance,
a
gentle
winter's
rhyme.
"
【雪花飘舞的诗意冬日】
3.
"A
blanket
of
snow,
a
canvas
to
paint.
"
【白雪皑皑的画布】
4.
"Like
a
veil
of
diamonds,
the
landscape
is
quaint.
"
【钻石般的雪景】
5.
"Footsteps
whisper
as
we
hike
in
the
snow.
"
【踏雪寻幽之林间小径】
6.
"The
world
stands
still,
hushed
in
winter's
glow.
"
【冬日的静谧与灿烂】
7.
"A
frozen
river,
a
sacred
place
to
be.
"
【冰封的河流,凝聚心灵】
8.
"The
chill
in
the
air,
a
reminder
to
me.
"
【冰风刺骨,提醒生命脆弱】
9.
"The
crunch
of
snow
beneath
our
feet,
a
soothing
sound.
"
【雪地的咯吱声,慰藉心灵】
10.
"A
snowman's
smile,
a
playful
sight
to
behold.
"
【雪人的微笑,憨态可掬】
11.
"The
embrace
of
winter,
a
story
unfolds.
"
【冬之拥抱,故事漫开】
12.
"The
stars
twinkle
brightly,
as
the
snowflakes
fall.
"
【繁星点点,冰雪纷飞】
13.
"Silently
we
walk,
in
a
world
so
small.
"
【悄然行走,世界渺小】
14.
"A
winter
wonderland,
a
dream
come
true.
"
【冬日仙境,梦想成真】
15.
"A
cozy
fire,
a
place
to
warm
our
souls.
"
【温暖的篝火,点亮心灵】
16.
"With
each
snowflake
that
falls,
a
new
story
unfolds.
"
【每一片雪花,都成就一段故事】
17.
"The
purity
of
snow,
a
sight
to
behold.
"
【秀丽清冷的雪景】
18.
"Winter's
artistry,
never
grows
old.
"
【冬日的艺术,永不过时】
19.
"Winter's
breath,
a
touch
of
the
divine.
"
【冬日之息,圣洁一触】
20.
"In
winter's
embrace,
we
find
peace
of
mind.
"
【冬天的拥抱,寻找心灵的宁静】