勇敢语录英文句子温柔(英文句子爱情伤感语录)
作者:编辑:佚名
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1.
"Being
gentle
does
not
mean
being
weak.
It
takes
courage
to
show
kindness
and
compassion
in
a
world
that
often
lacks
it.
"
【Gentleness】
2.
"Real
bravery
is
not
the
absence
of
fear,
but
the
willingness
to
face
your
fears
and
move
forward
despite
them.
"
【Bravery】
3.
"The
strongest
people
are
not
always
the
ones
who
win,
but
the
ones
who
don't
give
up
when
they
lose.
"
【Strength】
4.
"True
courage
is
not
the
absence
of
doubt,
but
the
ability
to
push
through
it
and
take
action
anyway.
"
【Courage】
5.
"Being
kind
is
not
just
a
trait,
it's
a
choice.
Choose
to
be
kind,
even
when
it's
not
easy.
"
【Kindness】
6.
"It
takes
courage
to
stand
up
for
what
you
believe
in,
even
if
it
means
standing
alone.
"
【Standing
up】
7.
"Being
gentle
is
a
strength
that
not
everyone
possesses.
It
takes
bravery
to
show
vulnerability
and
softness.
"
【Vulnerability】
8.
"True
bravery
is
being
honest
with
yourself
and
others,
even
when
the
truth
is
hard
to
hear.
"
【Honesty】
9.
"The
most
courageous
thing
you
can
do
is
to
be
yourself,
unapologetically.
"
【Authenticity】
10.
"Gentleness
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
a
sign
of
a
strong
and
confident
person
who
doesn't
need
to
prove
anything
to
anyone.
"
【Confidence】
11.
"Bravery
is
not
about
being
fearless,
it's
about
facing
your
fears
and
doing
what
needs
to
be
done
anyway.
"
【Fear】
12.
"Being
kind
to
others
is
a
reflection
of
your
own
inner
strength
and
compassion.
"
【Compassion】
13.
"The
greatest
courage
comes
from
within.
It's
the
courage
to
face
your
own
demons
and
overcome
them.
"
【Inner
strength】
14.
"A
gentle
attitude
can
take
you
further
in
life
than
a
harsh
one
ever
could.
"
【Attitude】
15.
"True
bravery
is
standing
up
for
what's
right,
even
when
it's
not
the
popular
thing
to
do.
"
【Justice】
16.
"Being
gentle
with
yourself
is
just
as
important
as
being
gentle
with
others.
Self-kindness
is
the
first
step
to
happiness.
"
【Self-love】
17.
"Courage
is
not
about
being
invincible,
it's
about
being
vulnerable
and
showing
up
anyway.
"
【Vulnerability】
18.
"Being
kind
doesn't
cost
a
thing,
yet
it
can
make
a
huge
difference
in
someone
else's
life.
"
【Giving】
19.
"Real
strength
is
not
about
physical
prowess,
it's
about
perseverance
and
resilience
in
the
face
of
adversity.
"
【Resilience】
20.
"It
takes
a
lot
of
courage
to
forgive,
but
it's
the
most
freeing
thing
you
can
do
for
yourself.
"
【Forgiveness】