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1.
自己的生活需要自己去开辟,需要自己去守护。
【Life
is
like
a
canvas,
we
have
to
paint
it
ourselves.
】
2.
不要将自己的幸福建立在别人的痛苦之上。
【Happiness
should
never
be
built
on
the
pain
of
others.
】
3.
生活中充满了不确定性,但正是这种不确定性让生活变得更有意义。
【Life
is
full
of
uncertainties,
but
it's
these
uncertainties
that
make
life
meaningful.
】
4.
幸福不是永恒的,但快乐是可以一直存在的。
【Happiness
may
not
be
eternal,
but
joy
can
last
forever.
】
5.
生活是一场旅程,人生就是其中的一站。
【Life
is
a
journey,
and
life
is
just
one
stop
on
it.
】
6.
感恩让我们拥有的一切,珍惜身边的每一个人。
【Gratitude
for
what
we
have,
cherish
everyone
around
us.
】
7.
生活中的美好瞬间往往会在不经意间发生。
【The
beautiful
moments
in
life
often
happen
unexpectedly.
】
8.
生活没有捷径,不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?【There
are
no
shortcuts
in
life.
Without
experiencing
the
rain,
how
can
we
see
the
rainbow?】
9.
真正的成长不是追求完美,而是学会接受自己和别人的缺陷。
【True
growth
isn't
about
striving
for
perfection,
but
learning
to
accept
ourselves
and
others'
imperfections.
】
10.
生活需要勇气,需要承受失败和挫折。
【Life
requires
courage,
and
the
ability
to
withstand
failure
and
setbacks.
】
11.
爱是生命的本质,它可以让我们快乐和幸福。
【Love
is
the
essence
of
life,
it
can
bring
us
happiness
and
joy.
】
12.
生活中充满了未知数,但正是这种未知带来了无限可能。
【Life
is
full
of
unknowns,
but
it's
these
unknowns
that
bring
infinite
possibilities.
】
13.
珍惜每一天,任何时刻都不要放弃自己的梦想。
【Cherish
every
day,
never
give
up
on
your
dreams
at
any
moment.
】
14.
生活中最重要的事情不是我们所拥有的,而是我们所交付的。
【The
most
important
thing
in
life
is
not
what
we
have,
but
what
we
give.
】
15.
人间值得,可以在艰难中相互支持,也可以在幸福时分享快乐。
【Humanity
is
worthy,
we
can
support
each
other
during
the
difficulties,
and
share
joy
in
happiness.
】
16.
为了自己的生命,要在其中寻找真正的意义。
【For
the
sake
of
our
own
lives,
we
must
seek
the
true
meaning
within
it.
】
17.
真正的成就不是拥有多少财富和权力,而是在生命中做出有意义的事情。
【True
achievement
isn't
about
how
much
wealth
and
power
we
have,
but
about
doing
meaningful
things
in
life.
】
18.
生命是一件珍贵的礼物,让我们将它用在好的事情上。
【Life
is
a
precious
gift,
let's
use
it
for
good
things.
】
19.
不要害怕改变,也不要害怕重新开始。
【Don't
be
afraid
of
change,
and
don't
be
afraid
to
start
over.
】
20.
真正的幸福不是来自于外在的东西,而是来自于内心的平静和满足。
【True
happiness
doesn't
come
from
external
things,
but
from
inner
peace
and
contentment.
】