毕业发朋友圈搞笑的句子(毕业文案朋友圈简短搞笑)
作者:编辑:匿名
-
1.
"Goodbye
school,
hello
unemployment!"
【笑】
2.
"It's
official,
I've
joined
the
ranks
of
the
educated
and
unemployed.
"
【开玩笑】
3.
"So
long
student
loans,
hello
paying
for
my
own
wifi!"
【搞笑】
4.
"Graduation
day:
when
you
realize
you're
too
cool
for
school
but
not
cool
enough
for
the
real
world.
"
【逗趣】
5.
"I
finally
have
a
degree
to
hang
on
my
wall.
.
.
now
if
only
it
came
with
a
job.
"
【嬉笑】
6.
"I
thought
graduation
would
feel
more
like
an
accomplishment,
but
instead
just
feel
old
and
broke.
"
【幽默】
7.
"I'm
officially
a
master
of
nothing.
Thanks
higher
education!"
【揶揄】
8.
"I
may
not
have
a
job,
but
have
a
fancy
piece
of
paper
that
says
I'm
qualified
to
not
have
a
job.
"
【搞怪】
9.
"Time
to
put
my
degree
to
use.
.
.
by
framing
it
and
hoping
it
impresses
future
dates.
"
【妙语】
10.
"I
have
a
degree
in
procrastination,
so
if
anyone
needs
me
to
put
off
doing
something,
I'm
your
guy.
"
【逗乐】
11.
"Finally
no
more
finals,
no
more
papers,
no
more.
.
.
wait,
did
someone
say
student
debt?"
【搞笑】
12.
"Education
is
priceless.
.
.
except
for
the
part
where
it
costs
you
tens
of
thousands
of
dollars.
"
【打趣】
13.
"It
took
me
four
years
to
earn
my
degree
and
five
seconds
to
realize
have
no
idea
what
I'm
doing
next.
"
【有趣】
14.
"I'm
not
saying
wasted
four
years
of
my
life,
but
could
have
learned
everything
know
now
on
YouTube.
"
【玩笑】
15.
"They
told
me
a
degree
would
open
doors,
but
all
it's
done
for
me
is
add
to
my
credit
card
debt.
"
【逗乐】
16.
"Looks
like
it's
time
to
trade
in
my
ramen
noodles
for.
.
.
more
ramen
noodles.
Thanks
college!"
【幽默】
17.
"I
have
a
degree
in
sarcasm,
which
means
I'm
highly
qualified
to
make
passive-aggressive
comments
on
Facebook.
"
【搞怪】
18.
"Goodbye
college,
hello
real
world.
I'm
sure
it'll
be
just
as
profitable
and
stress-free.
.
.
ha
ha.
.
.
ha.
"
【笑料】
19.
"Finally
done
with
school,
now
if
only
someone
would
pay
me
to
nap
all
day.
"
【幽默】
20.
"I'll
miss
the
late
nights,
the
caffeine
overdoses,
and
the
constant
existential
crises.
Actually,
no
won't.
"
【逗趣】