好句子温柔励志短句英语(唯美励志治愈温柔系的短句子)
作者:编辑:匿名
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1.
Let
your
kindness
light
up
the
world
and
warm
the
hearts
of
those
around
you.
【温柔的善良撒满世界,温暖他人的心房】
2.
Be
the
gentle
breeze
that
caresses
the
leaves
and
brings
happiness
to
the
flowers.
【成为轻柔的风儿,抚过叶子,为花儿带来欢乐】
3.
The
greatest
strength
lies
not
in
force,
but
in
the
gentle
power
of
love.
【最大的力量不在于强制,而在于爱的温柔力量】
4.
Your
words
may
be
soft,
but
they
have
the
power
to
move
mountains
and
inspire
change.
【你的言语虽柔,但有推动山动的力量,激励改变】
5.
Let
the
warmth
of
your
heart
guide
you
on
your
journey,
and
always
be
kind
to
yourself
and
others.
【心灵的温暖指引前方,要时刻待己友善】
6.
gentle
reminder
can
be
more
powerful
than
a
harsh
critique.
【柔和的提醒比严厉的批评更有力】
7.
Kindness
is
not
weakness,
it
is
the
essence
of
true
strength.
【善良不是软弱,是真正力量的本质】
8.
Be
the
sunshine
that
brightens
someone's
day
and
melts
away
their
worries.
【成为阳光,照亮别人的一天,解决他们的烦恼】
9.
Through
gentle
words
and
actions,
you
can
make
a
positive
impact
on
the
world.
【通过柔和的言行,影响世界变得更加积极】
10.
In
a
world
that
can
be
harsh
and
unforgiving,
be
the
oasis
of
kindness
and
compassion.
【在这个世界上,可以粗鲁和不可原谅,成为善良和同情的绿洲】
11.
gentle
touch
can
heal
wounds
that
words
cannot.
【柔和的触碰可以治愈言语无法愈合的创伤】
12.
Kindness
is
like
a
ripple
in
the
water,
spreading
out
and
touching
everything
in
its
path.
【善良就像水面涟漪,向四周扩散,触及一切】
13.
When
you
treat
others
with
kindness,
you
are
also
treating
yourself
with
compassion
and
understanding.
【你待人以善,也在以慈悲和理解待己】
14.
You
don't
have
to
be
loud
to
make
a
difference.
Sometimes,
a
gentle
whisper
can
be
the
loudest
voice
of
all.
【你不必大声说话就有所作为,有时,轻声细语更是最响亮的声音】
15.
Let
your
actions
speak
louder
than
your
words,
and
let
your
kindness
be
your
legacy.
【让行动胜过言辞,善良成为你的遗产】
16.
gentle
soul
can
rise
to
great
heights,
and
touch
the
heavens
with
their
grace.
【柔和的灵魂可以升华到巅峰,以其恩典触及天堂】
17.
Kindness
does
not
discriminate,
it
is
a
universal
language
that
transcends
all
boundaries.
【善良不分别人,是一种跨越所有界限的全球语言】
18.
In
a
world
that
can
be
overwhelming,
be
the
calm
in
the
storm
and
the
light
in
the
darkness.
【在这个充满压力的世界中,成为风暴中的宁静,黑暗中的明光】
19.
The
gentle
touch
of
a
friend
or
loved
one
can
soothe
the
soul
and
ease
the
pain.
【朋友或亲人的轻柔触碰可以舒缓心灵,减轻痛苦】
20.
Kindness
is
a
gift
that
you
can
give
to
anyone,
anywhere,
at
any
time.
【善良是一份礼物,你可以在任何地方,随时给任何人】