蒋经典短句温柔古风句子(温柔语录经典短句)
作者:编辑:佚名
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1.
曲有误,真情在
|
The
melody
is
wrong,
but
the
true
feelings
are
there.
】
2.
不问西东问你是否,有情你就别走
|
Don't
ask
east
or
west,
just
ask
if
you
have
feelings
and
don't
leave.
】
3.
策马奔腾,路远漫漫,只愿与你携手前行
|
Riding
horses
and
galloping,
the
road
is
long
and
endless,
but
only
hope
to
walk
hand
in
hand
with
you.
】
4.
相思如水,情缘似浅醉
|
Lovesickness
is
like
water,
love
is
like
a
shallow
intoxication.
】
5.
无声胜有声,情深意切更可贵
|
Silence
is
better
than
sound,
deep
love
and
strong
feelings
are
even
more
valuable.
】
6.
有多少爱可以重来,才能让你不离不弃
|
How
much
love
needs
to
be
repeated
before
you
will
not
leave
or
abandon
me?】
7.
缘定三生,情沉一片
|
Fate
is
for
three
lifetimes,
love
is
for
one
heart.
】
8.
满目凄凉,谁为情殇
|
Full
of
bleakness,
who
suffers
from
lovesickness?】
9.
一纸离愁,千里漫漫追忆
|
One
letter
of
lovesickness,
a
thousand
miles
of
memories.
】
10.
君是我今生的白月光,唯有你让我心安
|
You
are
the
white
moonlight
of
my
life,
only
you
can
make
my
heart
feel
at
ease.
】
11.
当我来到你的面前,你笑了,我原来也可以如此快乐
|
When
came
before
you,
you
smiled,
and
realized
that
could
also
be
so
happy.
】
12.
明月流照,玉人何处
|
Bright
moon
shines,
where
is
my
jade
beauty?】
13.
月光如水,倾城倾国
|
Moonlight
is
like
water,
captivating
and
beautiful.
】
14.
天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期
|
Eternity
sometimes
ends,
but
this
love
will
last
forever.
】
15.
我从梦中走来,来到你的面前,发现现实更美
|
came
from
a
dream
and
came
before
you,
only
to
find
that
reality
is
even
more
beautiful.
】
16.
痴情千万终不悔,只愿君心似我心
|
am
crazy
in
love
and
will
never
regret
it,
only
hope
your
heart
is
like
mine.
】
17.
微澜月色,情话缠绵
|
The
moonlight
casts
a
faint
ripple,
and
the
sweet
words
of
love
linger.
】
18.
莫道不消魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦
|
Don't
say
that
you
are
not
bewitching,
as
the
curtains
are
rolled
up
by
the
western
wind,
and
people
are
thinner
than
yellow
flowers.
】
19.
浅草才能没马蹄,更何况是你的回眸
|
Only
shallow
grass
can
avoid
horse
hooves,
let
alone
your
glance
back.
】
20.
相遇即是缘,情系心海
|
Meeting
is
fate,
love
ties
the
heart.
】