理智语录伤感文案英文(文案馆情感语录伤感)
作者:编辑:投稿
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1.
"Our
emotions
may
make
us
vulnerable,
but
our
rationality
gives
us
strength.
"
【#keepcalm】
2.
"Sadness
may
cloud
our
judgment,
but
reason
can
help
us
see
things
clearly.
"
【#rationalitywins】
3.
"Don't
let
your
heart
rule
your
head,
or
you
may
end
up
lost.
"
【#mindoverheart】
4.
"It's
okay
to
feel
sad,
but
it's
important
to
keep
a
clear
head
in
times
of
trouble.
"
【#sadbutstrong】
5.
"Sometimes
we
need
to
step
back
and
look
at
things
objectively,
without
letting
our
emotions
guide
us.
"
【#perspectiveishelpful】
6.
"Logic
can
help
us
find
a
path
through
even
the
darkest
of
days.
"
【#reasonprevails】
7.
"Grief
can
be
overwhelming,
but
it's
important
to
keep
a
clear
head
to
navigate
through
it.
"
【#staystrong】
8.
"In
times
of
sorrow,
it's
important
to
lean
on
reason
instead
of
letting
our
emotions
consume
us.
"
【#keepitontherational】
9.
"When
our
heart
aches,
we
need
to
rely
on
our
head
to
find
the
way
out.
"
【#headdown】
10.
"Reason
is
the
rock
that
we
lean
on
in
times
of
emotional
turmoil.
"
【#rocksteady】
11.
"Emotion
is
a
powerful
force,
but
reason
is
even
more
powerful.
"
【#powertothereason】
12.
"When
we
feel
lost,
we
need
to
rely
on
our
rationality
to
guide
us
towards
the
light.
"
【#onpath】
13.
"Sadness
can
be
all-consuming,
but
our
rationality
can
help
us
find
a
way
out.
"
【#lightattheendofthetunnel】
14.
"Our
emotions
may
be
raw,
but
we
can
find
solace
in
our
rationality.
"
【#solaceinreason】
15.
"In
times
of
despair,
we
must
cling
to
reason
to
keep
us
afloat.
"
【#clingtorationality】
16.
"The
mind
may
be
our
greatest
asset
when
our
heart
is
in
turmoil.
"
【#mindoveremotions】
17.
"Truth
and
logic
are
our
allies
when
sadness
comes
knocking
at
our
door.
"
【#allyouneedislogic】
18.
"Sadness
may
shake
us,
but
our
rationality
can
keep
us
steady.
"
【#steadyoncourse】
19.
"Don't
let
sadness
obscure
the
truth,
for
reason
can
shed
light
on
even
the
darkest
of
days.
"
【#sheddinglight】
20.
"In
the
face
of
sadness,
reason
is
our
greatest
weapon.
"
【#reasonistheanswer】