1.
"If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
If
you
want
to
go
far,
go
together."
——外婆的教导
2.
"You
are
not
your
mistakes.
You
are
not
your失败s.
You
are
not
even
your
errors.
You
are
just
your
learnings."
——泰戈尔
3.
"The
most
important
thing
is
not
to
stop
trying.
The
most
important
thing
is
to
try
every
time
you
can."
——卡耐基
4.
"If
you
want
to
create
a
world
of
difference,
you
have
to
make
a
few
changes
in
this
world."
——马丁·路德·金
5.
"You
can't
judge
a
book
by
its
cover."
——阿瑟·克拉克
6.
"成功的秘诀就是不断地努力,努力,再努力."
——约翰·肯尼迪
7.
"If
you
want
to
achieve
anything
in
life,
you
have
to
believe
in
yourself
first."
——约翰·汉考克
8.
"The
only
way
to
get
started
is
to
get
started."
——约翰·列侬
9.
"If
you
are
going
to
be
successful,
you
have
to
make
people
happy."
——罗伯特·弗罗斯特
10.
"You
can't
predict
the
future,
but
you
can
control
your
actions
today."
——杰夫·贝索斯
1.1
"If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
If
you
want
to
go
far,
go
together."
——外婆的教导
1.2
"成功的秘诀就是不断地努力,努力,再努力."
——约翰·肯尼迪
1.3
"If
you
want
to
create
a
world
of
difference,
you
have
to
make
a
few
changes
in
this
world."
——马丁·路德·金
1.4
"You
can't
judge
a
book
by
its
cover."
——阿瑟·克拉克
1.5
"If
you
want
to
achieve
anything
in
life,
you
have
to
believe
in
yourself
first."
——约翰·汉考克
1.6
"The
only
way
to
get
started
is
to
get
started."
——约翰·列侬
1.7
"If
you
are
going
to
be
successful,
you
have
to
make
people
happy."
——罗伯特·弗罗斯特
1.8
"You
can't
predict
the
future,
but
you
can
control
your
actions
today."
——杰夫·贝索斯
1.9
"If
you
want
to
be
a
good
person,
you
have
to
be
a
good
person."
——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
1.10
"成功的秘诀就是不断地努力,努力,再努力."
——约翰·肯尼迪