露营野餐的朋友圈句子图片(露营野餐朋友圈九宫格文案)
作者:编辑:匿名
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1.
"Nature
does
not
hurry,
yet
everything
is
accomplished.
"
-
Lao
Tzu
【露营野餐的美好时光】
2.
"The
clearest
way
into
the
Universe
is
through
a
forest
wilderness.
"
-
John
Muir
【享受自然之美】
3.
"Camping
is
nature's
way
of
promoting
the
motel
business.
"
-
Dave
Barry
【选择露营,享受不一样的旅行方式】
4.
"In
every
walk
with
nature
one
receives
far
more
than
he
seeks.
"
-
John
Muir
【在大自然中找回自我】
5.
"Camping
is
the
answer.
Who
cares
what
the
question
is?"
-
Unknown
【露营:一种美好的回答】
6.
"I
go
to
nature
to
be
soothed
and
healed,
and
to
have
my
senses
put
in
order.
"
-
John
Burroughs
【露营,让大自然治愈你的心灵】
7.
"Adopt
the
pace
of
nature:
her
secret
is
patience.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【慢下来,享受自然的步调】
8.
"Camping
is
my
therapy.
"
-
Unknown
【露营就是最好的疗愈方式】
9.
"Camping:
The
art
of
getting
closer
to
nature
while
getting
farther
away
from
the
nearest
cold
beverage,
hot
shower,
and
flush
toilet.
"
-
Unknown
【露营,远离便利享受大自然】
10.
"Nature
is
not
a
place
to
visit,
it
is
home.
"
-
Gary
Snyder
【露营,回归大自然的本真】
11.
"The
best
things
in
life
are
the
people
we
love,
the
places
we've
been,
and
the
memories
we've
made
along
the
way.
"
-
Unknown
【露营,和最爱的人创造美好回忆】
12.
"Just
living
is
not
enough.
.
.
one
must
have
sunshine,
freedom,
and
a
little
flower.
"
-
Hans
Christian
Andersen
【在大自然中寻找生之美】
13.
"The
wilderness
holds
answers
to
more
questions
than
we
yet
know
how
to
ask.
"
-
Nancy
Wynne
Newhall
【露营,追寻未知的答案】
14.
"Nature
never
goes
out
of
style.
"
-
Unknown
【大自然,永不过时】
15.
"The
mountains
are
calling
and
must
go.
"
-
John
Muir
【爱山,爱自然,也爱露营】
16.
"There's
no
in
the
forest,
but
you'll
find
a
better
connection.
"
-
Unknown
【在大自然中建立更好的连接,远离虚拟世界】
17.
"The
earth
has
music
for
those
who
listen.
"
-
William
Shakespeare
【露营,聆听大自然的乐曲】
18.
"The
best
education
have
ever
received
was
through
travel.
"
-
Lisa
Ling
【露营,打造最美好的旅行体验】
19.
"We
don't
need
a
handful
of
people
doing
zero
waste
perfectly.
We
need
millions
of
people
doing
it
imperfectly.
"
-
Anne
Marie
Bonneau
【露营,一起努力走向零浪费】
20.
"Camping:
where
you
spend
a
small
fortune
to
live
like
a
homeless
person.
"
-
Unknown
【露营,追求大自然与简单生活的美好】