蛀牙拔牙发朋友圈的句子(蛀牙拔牙多少钱一颗啊)
作者:编辑:互联网
-
1.
Saying
goodbye
to
that
pesky
cavity
with
a
tooth
extraction
today!
【#DentalProcedures
#NoMorePain】
2.
In
dire
need
of
a
root
canal,
but
can't
push
past
my
fear
of
the
dentist's
chair!
【#ToothPain
#FearOfDentists】
3.
Tooth
extraction
is
no
joke,
folks!
But
it's
a
small
price
to
pay
for
a
healthier
smile!
【#HealthyTeeth
#NoMoreCavities】
4.
The
sound
of
the
dentist's
drill
gives
me
chills,
but
I'm
determined
to
get
this
decay
taken
care
of!
【#DentalFear
#BraveryRequired】
5.
Hate
to
admit
it,
but
I'm
such
a
baby
when
it
comes
to
dental
procedures!
Anyone
else
feel
my
pain?
【#DentalAnxiety
#NeedSupport】
6.
Can
get
a
virtual
high-five
for
finally
taking
care
of
that
decaying
tooth?!
【#ToothTrouble
#GrossButNecessary】
7.
Saw
an
endodontist
for
the
first
time,
and
the
whole
experience
was
surprisingly
painless!
#FeelingGrateful
【#RootCanal
#NoMorePain】
8.
Finally,
the
excruciating
toothache
is
gone!
Doc
says
it's
time
for
a
crown
replacement.
#HereWeGoAgain
【#ToothPain
#DentalProcedures】
9.
Every
time
leave
the
dentist's
office,
feel
like
a
new
person.
Thankful
for
modern
dentistry!
【#Grateful
#HealthySmile】
10.
Another
tooth
bites
the
dust!
Thankful
for
my
dentist's
steady
hand
and
expert
care.
【#ToothExtraction
#GoodbyeCavity】
11.
Teeth
cleaning
day!
Because
sometimes
a
little
preventive
care
is
all
it
takes
to
keep
your
smile
healthy.
【#DentalHygiene
#HealthyHabits】
12.
Can't
deny
that
have
a
sweet
tooth,
but
hate
dealing
with
the
consequences!
Cavities
be
gone!
【#NoMoreCavities
#KeepSmiling】
13.
Nothing
like
a
little
nitrous
oxide
to
make
me
feel
better
about
having
a
cavity
filled!
【#DentalAnxiety
#LaughterIsTheBestMedicine】
14.
Losing
a
tooth
as
an
adult
is
no
joke!
Here's
hoping
the
recovery
process
is
a
smooth
one.
【#ToothLoss
#NoMorePain】
15.
Root
canal,
cavity
filling,
or
tooth
extraction?
All
know
is
that
I'm
in
good
hands
with
my
dentist!
【#DentalHealth
#ExpertCare】
16.
Injections,
drills,
and
numb
tongues
-
all
worth
it
when
it
means
feeling
confident
about
my
smile!
【#ConfidentSmile
#DentalProcedures】
17.
Can't
believe
went
years
without
seeing
a
dentist!
Taking
control
of
my
dental
health
one
procedure
at
a
time.
【#SelfCare
#HealthySmile】
18.
Replacing
a
missing
tooth
is
no
small
feat,
but
dental
implants
are
a
game-changer!
【#ToothReplacement
#HealthyMouth】
19.
Dentists
are
basically
magicians
when
it
comes
to
fixing
tooth
decay.
Kudos
to
my
doc
for
pulling
off
the
impossible!
【#NoMoreCavities
#ExpertCare】
20.
No
one
said
dental
procedures
are
easy,
but
a
beautiful
smile
is
worth
the
temporary
discomfort!
【#HealthyTeeth
#ConfidentSmile】