怎么委婉骂人的朋友圈句子(怎么委婉的去骂人)
作者:编辑:佚名
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1.
"I
believe
that
anyone
can
improve
their
intelligence
level,
but
it
seems
like
some
people
choose
not
to.
"【酸】
2.
"I
don't
know
who
needs
to
hear
this,
but
being
a
know-it-all
isn't
a
good
thing.
"
【敲打】
3.
"Personally,
prefer
someone
to
be
straightforward
rather
than
beating
around
the
bush
all
the
time.
"
【直言不讳】
4.
"If
you
find
yourself
constantly
backpedaling
to
cover
up
your
lies,
maybe
it's
time
to
start
telling
the
truth.
"
【警醒】
5.
"It's
fascinating
how
people
can
be
so
perfect
online
but
a
total
nightmare
in
real
life.
"
【讽刺】
6.
"You
know
what's
worse
than
someone
who
constantly
talks
about
themselves?
Someone
who
constantly
talks
about
how
humble
they
are.
"
【挖苦】
7.
"I'm
not
saying
you're
a
bad
person,
but
your
actions
definitely
aren't
on
the
same
level
as
your
words.
"
【暗讽】
8.
"I'm
not
sure
if
you're
aware,
but
it
is
possible
to
be
both
confident
and
humble
at
the
same
time.
"
【别扭】
9.
"I'm
all
for
self-love,
but
there's
a
difference
between
confidence
and
straight-up
arrogance.
"
【反感】
10.
"Honestly,
it's
impressive
how
some
people
can
get
away
with
being
manipulative
and
selfish
without
batting
an
eye.
"
【嘲讽】
11.
"It's
amazing
how
much
someone
can
accomplish
if
they're
willing
to
put
in
the
effort
instead
of
just
talking
about
it.
"
【挑衅】
12.
"I'm
not
trying
to
be
rude,
but
sometimes
wonder
if
certain
people
were
raised
to
be
inconsiderate.
"
【无语】
13.
"If
you
want
people
to
respect
you,
maybe
try
being
respectful
towards
them
first.
"
【着重】
14.
"I
know
everyone
has
their
own
opinions,
but
that
doesn't
mean
you
have
to
shove
yours
down
other
people's
throats.
"
【限制】
15.
"There's
a
difference
between
being
confident
and
being
a
narcissist
-
it'd
be
helpful
if
more
people
understood
that.
"
【讳疾忌医】
16.
"It's
hard
to
take
someone
seriously
when
they
constantly
contradict
themselves
and
lack
any
sort
of
moral
compass.
"
【撕咬】
17.
"If
you're
going
to
criticize
someone,
make
sure
you
have
a
valid
point
instead
of
just
attacking
them
for
the
sake
of
it.
"
【敏感】
18.
"It's
amazing
how
some
people
think
they're
entitled
to
everything
just
because
they
believe
they're
better
than
everyone
else.
"
【讥笑】
19.
"Personal
accountability
seems
to
be
a
foreign
concept
to
some
people,
which
is
truly
unfortunate.
"
【担心】
20.
"In
my
humble
opinion,
you
shouldn't
criticize
someone
for
something
you're
guilty
of
doing
yourself.
"
【有修养】