.jpg)
1.
"同窗之情,比金钱更重"(Friendship
in
classmates
is
worth
more
than
gold).
】
2.
"在校园里培育出的友谊,能伴随一生"(The
friendship
we
cultivate
in
school
can
accompany
us
for
a
lifetime).
】
3.
"同窗是我心中最珍贵的财富"(My
classmates
are
the
most
precious
wealth
in
my
heart).
】
4.
"成长中最难忘的记忆,就是同窗的陪伴"(The
most
unforgettable
memories
of
growing
up
are
the
companionship
of
my
classmates).
】
5.
"同窗之道,不争不抢,和和气气"(The
way
of
classmates
is
to
be
friendly
and
harmonious
without
fighting
or
grabbing).
】
6.
"同窗之交,真诚是最重要的"(Sincerity
is
the
most
important
thing
in
the
friendship
of
classmates).
】
7.
"同窗相处,宽容是一种美德"(Tolerance
is
a
virtue
in
getting
along
with
classmates).
】
8.
"同窗之爱,承载我们最美好的回忆"(The
love
of
classmates
carries
our
most
beautiful
memories).
】
9.
"同窗互助,让我们变得更加强大"(Classmates
helping
each
other
make
us
stronger).
】
10.
"同窗为伴,黑暗中也不再孤单"(With
classmates
as
companions,
we
are
never
alone
in
the
darkness).
】
11.
"同学情谊,山高水远都难以阻挡"(Classmate
friendship
cannot
be
stopped
by
mountains
and
rivers).
】
12.
"同窗之间,是互相成就的天堂"(Classmates
are
a
paradise
where
we
achieve
each
other).
】
13.
"同窗间的信任,比任何钱财都更珍贵"(The
trust
between
classmates
is
more
valuable
than
any
money).
】
14.
"同窗之间,是品味青春的美好时光"(Classmates
are
the
good
times
of
tasting
youth).
】
15.
"同窗之爱,不求回报,只为友谊而存在"(The
love
of
classmates
exists
only
for
friendship,
without
expecting
anything
in
return).
】
16.
"同窗情谊,是浇灌我们成长的雨露"(Classmate
friendship
is
like
the
rain
and
dew
that
water
our
growth).
】
17.
"同窗之情,经久不衰,爱情难与之比"(Classmate
friendship
is
long-lasting,
and
love
cannot
be
compared
with
it).
】
18.
"同学们,让我们携手并肩,一起走向未来"(Classmates,
let's
go
forward
together
towards
the
future).
】
19.
"同窗之情,犹如盛开的鲜花,绽放在我心中"(Classmate
friendship
is
like
blooming
flowers,
blooming
in
my
heart).
】
20.
"同窗之道,彼此取长补短,达到双赢"(The
way
of
classmates
is
to
learn
from
each
other's
strengths
and
weaknesses,
to
achieve
a
win-win
situation).
】