英语生活最常用的句子(常用英语生活用语)
作者:编辑:佚名
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1.
How
are
you
today?
【greeting】
2.
like
to
have
my
coffee
black.
【preference】
3.
Can
you
please
pass
me
the
salt?
【request】
4.
Thank
you
for
your
help.
【gratitude】
5.
I'm
sorry
for
the
inconvenience.
【apology】
6.
Could
you
repeat
that,
please?
【request
for
clarification】
7.
Let's
take
a
walk
in
the
park.
【suggestion】
8.
I'll
meet
you
at
the
coffee
shop
at
pm.
【arrangement】
9.
Would
you
like
to
join
us
for
dinner
tonight?
【invitation】
10.
This
cake
tastes
amazing!
【compliment】
11.
am
looking
forward
to
the
weekend.
【anticipation】
12.
Could
you
help
me
carry
this
bag,
please?
【request
for
assistance】
13.
It's
raining
outside,
don't
forget
your
umbrella.
【reminder】
14.
need
to
finish
this
report
by
tomorrow.
【statement
of
responsibility】
15.
love
spending
time
with
my
family.
【statement
of
affection】
16.
I'll
call
you
back
in
minutes.
【timetable】
17.
have
a
doctor's
appointment
tomorrow
afternoon.
【statement
of
obligation】
18.
Have
a
great
day!
【well-wishes】
19.
am
proud
of
you
for
working
so
hard.
【words
of
encouragement】
20.
Life
is
all
about
making
the
most
of
every
moment.
【philosophical
statement】