要离开的句子发朋友圈
作者:编辑:投稿
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1.
Time
flies
and
it's
time
for
me
to
say
goodbye.
【离开】
2.
All
good
things
must
come
to
an
end
and
my
time
here
has
now
ended.
【告别】
3.
It's
hard
to
leave
this
place,
but
it's
time
for
me
to
move
on
to
new
adventures.
【新旅程】
4.
Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
change
is
necessary
for
growth.
【成长必需】
5.
As
leave,
feel
grateful
for
the
memories
and
experiences
I've
gained.
【感恩】
6.
Letting
go
of
the
familiar
and
embracing
the
unknown
is
the
essence
of
life.
【生命的精髓】
7.
I'll
miss
the
people,
the
scenery,
and
the
vibe
of
this
place.
【错过】
8.
Leaving
doesn't
mean
forgetting,
and
I'll
always
cherish
the
memories
I've
made.
【珍爱回忆】
9.
Life
is
a
journey,
and
sometimes
we
have
to
leave
behind
what's
comfortable
to
find
new
paths.
【探索未知】
10.
It's
always
hard
to
say
goodbye
to
a
place
that's
become
home,
but
am
excited
for
what's
to
come.
【期待未来】
11.
Change
can
be
scary,
but
it's
necessary
to
grow
and
evolve.
【成长】
12.
Saying
goodbye
isn't
the
end,
it's
just
a
new
beginning.
【新起点】
13.
Even
though
am
leaving,
the
moments
I've
shared
with
everyone
are
forever
imprinted
in
my
heart.
【心中永驻】
14.
It's
bittersweet
to
leave
a
place
that's
become
a
part
of
my
identity.
【甜酸】
15.
Saying
goodbye
isn't
a
sign
of
weakness,
it's
a
sign
of
strength
to
pursue
new
opportunities.
【追求机会】
16.
As
embark
on
a
new
journey,
realize
that
leaving
is
part
of
the
human
experience.
【人生经历】
17.
It's
hard
to
leave
behind
the
familiar,
but
it's
necessary
to
expand
our
horizons.
【拓宽视野】
18.
Every
goodbye
opens
up
new
opportunities
and
possibilities.
【新的机会和可能】
19.
Saying
goodbye
is
just
a
temporary
pause
before
a
new
chapter
begins.
【新篇章】
20.
Leaving
is
never
easy,
but
it's
an
opportunity
to
rediscover
oneself
and
the
world.
【重新发现】