名著发朋友圈的句子(名著朋友圈怎么画)
作者:编辑:互联网
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1.
“It
is
a
truth
universally
acknowledged,
that
a
single
man
in
possession
of
a
good
fortune,
must
be
in
want
of
a
wife.
”
【Pride
and
Prejudice】
2.
“All
happy
families
are
alike;
each
unhappy
family
is
unhappy
in
its
own
way.
”
【Anna
Karenina】
3.
“It
was
the
best
of
times,
it
was
the
worst
of
times,
it
was
the
age
of
wisdom,
it
was
the
age
of
foolishness…”
【A
Tale
of
Two
Cities】
4.
“Call
me
Ishmael.
”
【Moby-Dick】
5.
“In
my
younger
and
more
vulnerable
years
my
father
gave
me
some
advice
that
I've
been
turning
over
in
my
mind
ever
since.
”
【The
Great
Gatsby】
6.
“Because
he
was
a
vampire,
and
she
was
a
mortal
girl.
”
【Twilight】
7.
“The
past
is
always
tense,
the
future
perfect.
”
【Zadie
Smith,
White
Teeth】
8.
“It
is
a
far,
far
better
thing
that
do,
than
have
ever
done.
”
【A
Tale
of
Two
Cities】
9.
“It
is
not
the
mountain
we
conquer,
but
ourselves.
”
【Edmund
Hillary】
10.
“It
does
not
do
to
dwell
on
dreams
and
forget
to
live.
”
【Harry
Potter
and
the
Philosopher’s
Stone】
11.
“No
one
can
make
you
feel
inferior
without
your
consent.
”
【Eleanor
Roosevelt】
12.
“I
am
no
bird;
and
no
net
ensnares
me:
am
a
free
human
being
with
an
independent
will.
”
【Jane
Eyre】
13.
“The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
”
【Steve
Jobs】
14.
“I
became
insane,
with
long
intervals
of
horrible
sanity.
”
【Edgar
Allan
Poe】
15.
“To
be
or
not
to
be,
that
is
the
question.
”
【Hamlet】
16.
“When
you
reach
the
end
of
your
rope,
tie
a
knot
in
it
and
hang
on.
”
【Franklin
D.
Roosevelt】
17.
“All
we
have
to
decide
is
what
to
do
with
the
time
that
is
given
us.
”
【J.
R.
R.
Tolkien】
18.
“Man
is
not
made
for
defeat,"
he
said.
"A
man
can
be
destroyed
but
not
defeated.
”
【Ernest
Hemingway,
The
Old
Man
and
the
Sea】
19.
“The
only
true
wisdom
is
in
knowing
you
know
nothing.
”
【Socrates】
20.
“It
is
better
to
be
feared
than
loved,
if
you
cannot
be
both.
”
【Niccolo
Machiavelli】