.jpg)
1.
“Trust
is
like
a
mirror;
once
it's
broken,
you
can
glue
it
back
together,
but
you
can
still
see
the
cracks.
”
【#lessonlearned】
2.
“A
heart
that's
been
broken
just
once
is
a
heart
that
knows
better
than
to
trust
so
easily
again.
”
【#guarded】
3.
“Trust
can't
be
bought,
but
it
can
be
earned.
”
【#earnednotgiven】
4.
“It's
not
that
don't
trust
you,
it's
just
that
don't
trust
anyone
anymore.
”
【#guardedheart】
5.
“Trust
is
like
a
plant;
it
takes
time
to
grow,
but
once
it
does,
it
can
weather
any
storm.
”
【#patienceiskey】
6.
“One
lie
can
break
a
thousand
promises.
”
【#honestyisthebestpolicy】
7.
“Sometimes
you
have
to
give
up
on
people,
not
because
you
don't
care,
but
because
they
don't.
”
【#sadbuttrue】
8.
“I
trusted
you
with
all
of
me,
but
you
shattered
me
into
million
pieces.
”
【#brokenpieces】
9.
“Don't
trust
words,
trust
actions.
”
【#actionsdonthavehiddenefforts】
10.
“Trust
is
the
foundation
of
any
relationship,
but
respect
is
the
glue
that
keeps
it
together.
”
【#relationshipadvice】
11.
“Trust
takes
years
to
build,
seconds
to
break,
and
forever
to
repair.
”
【#damagedrelationship】
12.
“Trust
yourself
before
you
trust
anyone
else.
”
【#selflove】
13.
“For
every
lie,
there's
a
truth
waiting
to
be
told.
”
【#truthwillprevail】
14.
“The
only
way
to
build
trust
is
to
be
trustworthy
yourself.
”
【#leadbyexample】
15.
“Broken
trust
is
like
a
burnt
bridge;
once
it's
gone,
it's
gone
forever.
”
【#noreturndate】
16.
“Trust
is
the
anchor
that
keeps
a
ship
from
drifting
away.
”
【#stayanchored】
17.
“Trust
is
easy
to
break,
but
it's
hard
to
earn
back.
”
【#secondchancesarehard】
18.
“Sometimes
the
people
who
we
trust
the
most
are
the
ones
who
betray
us
the
worst.
”
【#betrayalhurts】
19.
“Trust
is
not
a
gift
given
to
everyone,
it's
a
prize
earned
by
few.
”
【#prizewinner】
20.
“When
you
trust
someone,
you're
vulnerable.
When
you're
vulnerable,
you're
at
risk
of
getting
hurt.
”
【#vulnerabilityleads
tostrenght】